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Angela Woosley - Inspired Journeys


Angela Woosley M.A. (she/they), owner of Inspired Journeys, joins host Ken Haglind on “Living Healthy and Aging Well” radio show to discuss options at the end of life that reduce our final carbon footprint on the Earth. Certified by the Green Burial Council, Inspired Journeys is the Midwest’s first woman-owned and client-centered deathcare provider, offering a full spectrum of services from green burial, water cremation, funeral celebrant services, end-of-life doula work, to inviting folks into caring for their dead. Angela is Past President of the National Home Funeral Alliance, and taught in the Program of Mortuary Science at the UMN for ten years before heeding the call to meet families at the threshold between life and death. To learn more about Angela and Inspired Journeys, visit or call 651.300.0119.