Melissa Spiess, a board-certified music therapist and Neurologic Music Therapy® Fellow, joins Ken Haglind on radio show “Living Healthy and Aging Well” to share information about Living Spirit Therapy Services, LLC which was founded in 2008 to increase access to high quality music therapy services in the Twin Cities Metro Area.
Living Spirit Therapy Services believes in the inherent potential of every individual regardless of disability and/or challenges; and the power of music to improve physical, emotional, and mental functioning.
Living Spirit Therapy Services, LLC strives to build stronger communities by increasing independence; improving dignity, belonging, and inclusion; improving quality of life, providing support, and expanding resources of their members. Group and individual music therapy services, their Empowering Wellness Initiative, music products, early childhood music classes, presentations, wellness events, their Gather and Grow lecture series, and active participation in a number of equity groups are among ways they strive to meet this vision.
For more information visit https://www.livingspirittherapy.com or contact Melissa at melissa@livingspirittherapy.com or 651-363-3936.