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Lukus Zuker - Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging


Lukus Zuker is a Volunteer Coordinator at Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging, the designated regional Area Agency on Aging for the seven-county metropolitan area of the Twin Cities. Lukus joins host Ken Haglind to talked about the services offered by the Metropolitan Area Agencies on Aging.

These agencies were established under the Older Americans Act (OAA) in 1973 to respond to the needs of Americans aged 60 and over. There are more than 600 Area Agencies on Aging in the United States and 7 in Minnesota. Lukus will discuss the Senior Linkage Line services they provide and ways to access free, unbiased Medicare health insurance counseling, educational webinars on a variety of topics related to aging, and the current Medicare Advantage Enrollment Period.

For more information on the Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging call 651-641-8612 or visit

To contact the Senior Linkage Line call 800-333-2433 or visit