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Ericha Rupp - Note-able Music Therapy


Ericha Rupp, owner of a therapy company Note-able Music Therapy Services of MN, LLC joins host Ken Haglind on “Living Healthy and Aging Well” radio show to share how musical concepts and activities can help with neurodiverse individuals.

Music therapy is a treatment option for individuals with physical, mental or developmental conditions which focuses on developing, recovering, or maintaining important skills needed to be successful in their environment.

Additionally, music therapy involves the therapeutic use of self-awareness, work, emotional well-being, and play activities to increase independent functioning. Also, music therapy enhances development by improving motor, cognitive, emotional, sensory, social, and communication skills through meaningful activities.

Note-able Music Therapy Services of MN, LLC works one on one, sibling groups, social skill groups, and adaptive lessons with individuals, as well as supporting organizations like schools, pre-schools, daycares, child and adult day programming, Applied Behavioral Analysis programs, and community centers.

For more information email or call directly at 952-378-4189.